What We Do

At First Metals, we strive for the highest quality product, so we fabricate our own sheet metal products. With over 70 years of collective sheet metal fabrication experience, our team of experts are ready and able to assist you with your project needs. We specialize in custom made solutions and can easily transform your technical requirements into a high-quality product delivered promptly to your job-site.

Architectural Metal

First Metals offers a wide catalog of sheet metal products that attend a broad range of exterior and interior applications.

All of our metal flashing products are crafted to precision and industry standards. We can also fabricate custom parts for your project with our streamlined, tech-driven process.


We focus on custom HVAC solutions for your projects when those off the shelf components just don’t work.

Our Senior HVAC Fabricator, Bill has over 30 years of experience with HVAC projects and can provide the expertise necessary to get your problem solved. We can deliver in 72 hours or less, including fabrication and delivery, making sure you’re able to get your project completed on time.

Glass & Glazing

To support glass & glazing contractors in the Seattle area, we can provide sheet metal brake shapes and specialty fabrications.

This includes; flashings, mullion caps, louvers, skylight curbs, back pans, door pans, back dams and other specialty components that solve your more complex problems.